We can enter and help at any stage
of the development cycle.
We transform your idea and bring it to production.
In the same way, we can handle one section and easily hand over quality materials for the next phases
of your project. We fulfill every assignment with the future in mind. It will not happen that you have
to optimize the product after each step of the development cycle.

Definition of functionality and design
Implementation timeframe and production volume
Expected production cost of the product
Priority setting
Solution proposal
Concept preparation in paper or digital form
Production technology recommendation
Project planning (project management)

Preparation of 3D data
Recommendation of technology for prototype
Mechanical parts testing
Design evaluation
Opposing the prototype
Design of structural modifications
Production of next generations of prototypes

Preparation of the product for serial production
Modification of parts to reduce production costs
Assembly streamlining
Recommendation of preparations
Completion of documentation for production
Small series
First batch production
Quality control process setting
Preparation of production and assembly procedures
Creation of manuals

Serial production
Entering components into production
Assembly team training
Summary of findings from the entire development cycle
Preparation for the next generation of the product